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Each painting in this collection tells a unique story.
Click on any piece to explore and discover the heartfelt testimonials from those who received them.

I met Joe's human, Stina, at a spiritual fair where I was exhibiting. She fell in love with Zoe's portrait and wanted to buy it. I had to disappoint her, since the painting was a commissioned painting
Instead I had the honor of meeting and photographing Stina's horse, Joe. And if there's something I love, then it's having my own photo references to paint from!
I later delivered Joe's painting personally on Orust, Sweden. She was over the moon and the painting was hung up immediately. She couldn't get her eyes of it.
Thank you Stina!
Oil on linen canvas
70x90 cm
Instead I had the honor of meeting and photographing Stina's horse, Joe. And if there's something I love, then it's having my own photo references to paint from!
I later delivered Joe's painting personally on Orust, Sweden. She was over the moon and the painting was hung up immediately. She couldn't get her eyes of it.
Thank you Stina!
Oil on linen canvas
70x90 cm

4 Horses in Heaven
A young girl, Amalie, had 4 horses who had gone ahead of her.
She had questions for them and wished for them all to be in a painting.
Here's her own words about it:
"The painting was made from a conversation with all four horses, so they could make their mark on the painting. It's the best thing I've done since I lost them. Throughout the painting process I was updated regularly, and then it was delivered to me. I can definitely recommend to have such a wonderful memory, thank you very much🙏🏻❤️"
1x1 m oil painting on canvas
She had questions for them and wished for them all to be in a painting.
Here's her own words about it:
"The painting was made from a conversation with all four horses, so they could make their mark on the painting. It's the best thing I've done since I lost them. Throughout the painting process I was updated regularly, and then it was delivered to me. I can definitely recommend to have such a wonderful memory, thank you very much🙏🏻❤️"
1x1 m oil painting on canvas

There's a big difference on how communicative animals are when I communicate with them. Zoe was one of those animals with only a few words and yet everyone who has seen the painting says that it perfectly captures her essence.
Simplicity was key in her portrait.
Oil on linen canvas 70x90 cm
Simplicity was key in her portrait.
Oil on linen canvas 70x90 cm

In memory of Stjarni
This was a very special commission for me to create.
Siff had Stjarni for almost 9 years and I followed their journey through all of those years.
I'm really happy I got the opportunity to create this painting for Siff in collaboration with Stjarni.
Oil on linen canvas 50x60 cm
Siff had Stjarni for almost 9 years and I followed their journey through all of those years.
I'm really happy I got the opportunity to create this painting for Siff in collaboration with Stjarni.
Oil on linen canvas 50x60 cm

Rolf the Protector
Lots of messages came through from this very caring and protective soul. So much unconditional love and support emanating from his whole being.
Anemone says:
"When my horse Rolf got too old for this world, and had to be sent over the Rainbow Bridge, I felt like I needed a way to remember him and to be able to connect with his energy. Neither of us were ready to say goodbye completely. Anastasia had already painted a watercolour of my two horses together, so it felt more than right that she was the one to create a painting by communicating with Rolf’s soul.
I loved receiving the telepathy she did with Rolf. I felt his essence on every page, just as I feel his energy when I look at the finished painting.
I love how much meaning there is behind everything in the painting. Other people can look at it and admire the beauty, but the true meaning behind the different elements is my own little treasure chest of messages from Rolf’s soul.
Being able to look at him every day, brings back all the memories of our time together. For this I am forever grateful. I’ve had the painting for almost two years, but somehow it still feels new and fresh whenever I look at it. It still brings tears to my eyes, when I sit down and let Rolfs overwhelming love wash over me. I am reminded to slow down, enjoy life, and look for the signs he sends me. It is a soft touch or a light push whichever I need at that moment.
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for creating this piece of art. I will treasure it for the rest of my life."
60x80 cm oil painting
Anemone says:
"When my horse Rolf got too old for this world, and had to be sent over the Rainbow Bridge, I felt like I needed a way to remember him and to be able to connect with his energy. Neither of us were ready to say goodbye completely. Anastasia had already painted a watercolour of my two horses together, so it felt more than right that she was the one to create a painting by communicating with Rolf’s soul.
I loved receiving the telepathy she did with Rolf. I felt his essence on every page, just as I feel his energy when I look at the finished painting.
I love how much meaning there is behind everything in the painting. Other people can look at it and admire the beauty, but the true meaning behind the different elements is my own little treasure chest of messages from Rolf’s soul.
Being able to look at him every day, brings back all the memories of our time together. For this I am forever grateful. I’ve had the painting for almost two years, but somehow it still feels new and fresh whenever I look at it. It still brings tears to my eyes, when I sit down and let Rolfs overwhelming love wash over me. I am reminded to slow down, enjoy life, and look for the signs he sends me. It is a soft touch or a light push whichever I need at that moment.
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for creating this piece of art. I will treasure it for the rest of my life."
60x80 cm oil painting

Jasmin, Lucky, Felex and Berta
"Anastasia has painted a big and meaningful picture for me.
I came across her here on facebook and became curious about who she was. First simply because I saw her artistic ability and then because I read she also worked from telepathy.
I had lost my soulmate, my pony, that I grew up with and had half my life with, to cancer in 2020. And despite already having many memories with him, I felt like something more was missing. So I contacted Anastasia. Throughout, she has been extremely caring, curious and welcoming of me as a person and of finding out what I was missing in my heart. It was a pleasant experience that made me feel safe. She got in touch with Felex, my pony, and in the middle of it all, my deceased dog also broke in and "interfered".
Together they came up with how the paintings should look. And it was completely different from what I expected. It was with my current Friesian in focus that Felex was happy to raise since foal. And the telepathy part itself was a direct communication aimed at me. I had to let go. I should dare to move on with my two current horses. I should understand that I can. Even without those who are now in heaven. My painting has not only brought me joy. It has given me rare peace of mind and strength to move on. I have started to challenge myself again, enjoy the present more and remember the good things, rather than just grieving. I got so much more than "just" an extremely beautiful painting. I has been healing for me. And I can never, ever thank Anastasia enough for that ❤️ I can warmly recommend her work and skills, if you, like me, feel you need "more" than just a photo as a memory 💜"
Oil painting
70x90 cm
I came across her here on facebook and became curious about who she was. First simply because I saw her artistic ability and then because I read she also worked from telepathy.
I had lost my soulmate, my pony, that I grew up with and had half my life with, to cancer in 2020. And despite already having many memories with him, I felt like something more was missing. So I contacted Anastasia. Throughout, she has been extremely caring, curious and welcoming of me as a person and of finding out what I was missing in my heart. It was a pleasant experience that made me feel safe. She got in touch with Felex, my pony, and in the middle of it all, my deceased dog also broke in and "interfered".
Together they came up with how the paintings should look. And it was completely different from what I expected. It was with my current Friesian in focus that Felex was happy to raise since foal. And the telepathy part itself was a direct communication aimed at me. I had to let go. I should dare to move on with my two current horses. I should understand that I can. Even without those who are now in heaven. My painting has not only brought me joy. It has given me rare peace of mind and strength to move on. I have started to challenge myself again, enjoy the present more and remember the good things, rather than just grieving. I got so much more than "just" an extremely beautiful painting. I has been healing for me. And I can never, ever thank Anastasia enough for that ❤️ I can warmly recommend her work and skills, if you, like me, feel you need "more" than just a photo as a memory 💜"
Oil painting
70x90 cm

Rolf the Bernese Mountain Dog
This painting was gifted as a Christmas gift in 2020. I got to see a private video as the painting got unwrapped. The man truly feels the presence of his beloved dog, as he sheds a tear looking at it.
Oil on linen canvas 60x60 cm
Oil on linen canvas 60x60 cm

Corona & Malue
Malue contacted me after her beloved horse, Corona, had passed away. She wanted a lasting memory made in collaboration with Corona.
It was a beautiful experience for me to experience their strong bond as their sketch came to life. The sketch was later created as an oil painting and Malue now looks at it every day as she works in her business, Confetti Dogs.
Digital sketch
It was a beautiful experience for me to experience their strong bond as their sketch came to life. The sketch was later created as an oil painting and Malue now looks at it every day as she works in her business, Confetti Dogs.
Digital sketch

Blika & Nicoline
The Icelandic horse, Blika, died at a young age, leaving Nicoline in great sorrow.
Here's what she says:
"When my horse, Blika, had to leave Earth in her physical form, there were messages from her that were important to get out. I was led to Anastasia who showed great understanding with the whole situation. It all felt so right and Blika's message was embraced just right, expressed perfectly and in the most beautiful way. It's all so pure and I still get tears in my eyes by looking at the painting. I notice the message and Blika so much when I look at it. All her small and big messages hidden in it This will always be my memorial and where I can connect with her beautiful soul.
I am happy and grateful to be led to Anastasia. This is the clearest access to Blika. Here her soul is most clearly felt even though she is still with me in my daily life. Here I can always make contact with her and feel her overwhelming love. From my heart, thank you! It means the world to me."
60x80 cm oil painting
Here's what she says:
"When my horse, Blika, had to leave Earth in her physical form, there were messages from her that were important to get out. I was led to Anastasia who showed great understanding with the whole situation. It all felt so right and Blika's message was embraced just right, expressed perfectly and in the most beautiful way. It's all so pure and I still get tears in my eyes by looking at the painting. I notice the message and Blika so much when I look at it. All her small and big messages hidden in it This will always be my memorial and where I can connect with her beautiful soul.
I am happy and grateful to be led to Anastasia. This is the clearest access to Blika. Here her soul is most clearly felt even though she is still with me in my daily life. Here I can always make contact with her and feel her overwhelming love. From my heart, thank you! It means the world to me."
60x80 cm oil painting

While living in Sweden I had the honor of meeting Yasemin and her horse Jack. I came to them for a photography session and took lots of pictures.
The year after Yasemin sadly had to sell him and wanted a painting to remember him and feel his soul whenever she'd look at it. I found my favorite photo from our photosession and go to work. You can see Yasemin's reaction in the video on the homepage. It speaks for itself as to how meaningfl this painting is to her.
A4 oil painting on canvas paper
The year after Yasemin sadly had to sell him and wanted a painting to remember him and feel his soul whenever she'd look at it. I found my favorite photo from our photosession and go to work. You can see Yasemin's reaction in the video on the homepage. It speaks for itself as to how meaningfl this painting is to her.
A4 oil painting on canvas paper

The Path of the Heart
Two beautiful horse souls had a lot of encouraging messages and support to offer their young human.
Messages of beginnings and endings, following the truest path for our heart, with encouraging and powerful words. Remembering that we are always being guided and to allow ourselves to let loose and play.
Here's Martha's own words:
"It has been a great experience to have my two best friends painted by Anastasia. I love that Anastasia, in collaboration with them, decided what the painting should look like. It made their message to me shine brightly, so that every time I look at the painting, I am reminded of the journey we are on together. That they are by my side all the way, and remind me to follow my path every day."
30x40 cm oil painting
Messages of beginnings and endings, following the truest path for our heart, with encouraging and powerful words. Remembering that we are always being guided and to allow ourselves to let loose and play.
Here's Martha's own words:
"It has been a great experience to have my two best friends painted by Anastasia. I love that Anastasia, in collaboration with them, decided what the painting should look like. It made their message to me shine brightly, so that every time I look at the painting, I am reminded of the journey we are on together. That they are by my side all the way, and remind me to follow my path every day."
30x40 cm oil painting

Laicka's painting
After receiving her painting of Laicka, Freja wrote this on her instagram:
"@animal_telepathy_art does something special .. ❤️ Once again she has painted a painting of one of the animals I share my life with. This is my dear Laicka, who crossed over in the spring. I stood with the envelope for a long time before I opened it, because I knew that this painting would bring the strong feelings of longing, sorrow and love to life again. For 10 minutes it stayed on my kitchen table, before I finally took the courage to open it. Already when I started to open it, tears welled up. And just as expected, I was inundated with longing and love as I stood with the painting in my hands.
Laicka is enormously difficult to portray. She was unbelievably beautiful and had the most special and big eyes, which she has received many comments on all her life. But most importantly - was and is her being, so special that I do not even quite know how to give that word. She was in every way her very, very own. Anastasia highlighted in her writing to me that she felt that it is especially through her eyes that I connect with her. And that is very true. And that was also the first thing I saw when I looked at the painting. Her eyes. They feel so alive that I can almost see our gaze meet. Just like when she was here in her physical shape.
When I ordered this painting, I was not really ready for it at all - but I had a confidence that it would arrive at the right time in the process. And it truly feels like it did. For me, 2021 has been a huge year of change. And losing Laicka has been the hardest of all that has happened. Traveling to a new home without her - has at times felt completely unbearable, although I know that she is with me and that she will never completely leave me. Laicka was my childhood, my eternal support and encouragement - she was the craziest, funniest and most loving. And then she was so much herself. So special. And so sure of the whole world. Even though we can not see each other and even though I can not hold her in my arms, it feels like she is still teaching me lots about life. Her paw prints sit deep within me. It feels so wonderful to be able to look at this painting and feel her. Every day. ❤️ Thank you @animal_telepathy_art 🙏🏻😭"
A4 watercolor painting
"@animal_telepathy_art does something special .. ❤️ Once again she has painted a painting of one of the animals I share my life with. This is my dear Laicka, who crossed over in the spring. I stood with the envelope for a long time before I opened it, because I knew that this painting would bring the strong feelings of longing, sorrow and love to life again. For 10 minutes it stayed on my kitchen table, before I finally took the courage to open it. Already when I started to open it, tears welled up. And just as expected, I was inundated with longing and love as I stood with the painting in my hands.
Laicka is enormously difficult to portray. She was unbelievably beautiful and had the most special and big eyes, which she has received many comments on all her life. But most importantly - was and is her being, so special that I do not even quite know how to give that word. She was in every way her very, very own. Anastasia highlighted in her writing to me that she felt that it is especially through her eyes that I connect with her. And that is very true. And that was also the first thing I saw when I looked at the painting. Her eyes. They feel so alive that I can almost see our gaze meet. Just like when she was here in her physical shape.
When I ordered this painting, I was not really ready for it at all - but I had a confidence that it would arrive at the right time in the process. And it truly feels like it did. For me, 2021 has been a huge year of change. And losing Laicka has been the hardest of all that has happened. Traveling to a new home without her - has at times felt completely unbearable, although I know that she is with me and that she will never completely leave me. Laicka was my childhood, my eternal support and encouragement - she was the craziest, funniest and most loving. And then she was so much herself. So special. And so sure of the whole world. Even though we can not see each other and even though I can not hold her in my arms, it feels like she is still teaching me lots about life. Her paw prints sit deep within me. It feels so wonderful to be able to look at this painting and feel her. Every day. ❤️ Thank you @animal_telepathy_art 🙏🏻😭"
A4 watercolor painting

Neisti's painting
Old rituals, looking honestly into truth, burning away old traumas, with the care of loving, healing hands.
Connecting with the Icelandic horse Neisti's soul was truly a beautiful experience.
He is a soul with few words - but a lot of feeling. He challenged me into using colors in a more abstract way and guided the way into integrating more feeling into my art, than I had done before.
The eagle keeps the overview, as feelings are allowed to rise and fall, following the natural cycle of the moon.
40x60 cm oil painting
Connecting with the Icelandic horse Neisti's soul was truly a beautiful experience.
He is a soul with few words - but a lot of feeling. He challenged me into using colors in a more abstract way and guided the way into integrating more feeling into my art, than I had done before.
The eagle keeps the overview, as feelings are allowed to rise and fall, following the natural cycle of the moon.
40x60 cm oil painting

Adrienn & Funi
Adrienns words touches me deeply. This was her experience of getting this and other paintings from my hand:
"Anastasia has painted several portraits of my horse and also painted a painting based on my horse's soul.
She is the most talented young person I know, with great radiance and enthusiasm.
At each order she met me with curiosity and patience. She works with professionalism, supports the customer through the process and she wants the final product to be absolutely perfect. Each time, she has exceeded my expectations.
I simply love the way she captures Funi's personality and joy of life in the paintings.
When I ordered the painting from telepathy, it was because my horse was seriously ill and I was afraid of losing him. The painting makes me humble and touches me deeply when I look at it. It gives me a clear reference to something I experience daily with Funi and I find it very fascinating.
I give Anastasia my warmest recommendations."
A2 watercolor painting
"Anastasia has painted several portraits of my horse and also painted a painting based on my horse's soul.
She is the most talented young person I know, with great radiance and enthusiasm.
At each order she met me with curiosity and patience. She works with professionalism, supports the customer through the process and she wants the final product to be absolutely perfect. Each time, she has exceeded my expectations.
I simply love the way she captures Funi's personality and joy of life in the paintings.
When I ordered the painting from telepathy, it was because my horse was seriously ill and I was afraid of losing him. The painting makes me humble and touches me deeply when I look at it. It gives me a clear reference to something I experience daily with Funi and I find it very fascinating.
I give Anastasia my warmest recommendations."
A2 watercolor painting

Jeffrey's painting
Jeffrey is a true spiritual master, who understands things most other's don't.
He sees it as his finest job to protect the energies of the house, making sure that there's balance.
When we communicated, he told me that he was unhappy with an old cabinet in the house. He said it was carrying a lot of old energy.
His human confirmed that he would often meow and scratch an old cabinet they had in their house. After receiving the message she cleaned up and Jeffrey was clearly satisfied, as he stopped the scratching and meowing.
One of Jeffreys biggest messages was that of old things getting destroyed, for new things to be created.
These are his humans own words:
"Anastasia painted a watercolor from a telepathy with my cat.
Not only did I receive a beautiful and inspiring watercolor from her hand, but also a very insightful communication from my cat that described his personality with wisdom and his desires for the painting.
Throughout the process, Anastasia's loving nature was felt. Anastasia is a unique artist who is highly recommended."
A4 watercolor painting
He sees it as his finest job to protect the energies of the house, making sure that there's balance.
When we communicated, he told me that he was unhappy with an old cabinet in the house. He said it was carrying a lot of old energy.
His human confirmed that he would often meow and scratch an old cabinet they had in their house. After receiving the message she cleaned up and Jeffrey was clearly satisfied, as he stopped the scratching and meowing.
One of Jeffreys biggest messages was that of old things getting destroyed, for new things to be created.
These are his humans own words:
"Anastasia painted a watercolor from a telepathy with my cat.
Not only did I receive a beautiful and inspiring watercolor from her hand, but also a very insightful communication from my cat that described his personality with wisdom and his desires for the painting.
Throughout the process, Anastasia's loving nature was felt. Anastasia is a unique artist who is highly recommended."
A4 watercolor painting

Freja, Dixie & Sommer
The power of the present moment, in times of changing seasons, strengthened by the trinity of love.
I communicated with both of Freja's horses to create this painting.
"Anastasia has painted for me twice. Both times I have been so touched by how accurately she has felt their being and her ability to translate it into the most beautiful paintings. I would always recommend Anastasia if you want a very special painting which truly can be felt."
A4 watercolor painting
I communicated with both of Freja's horses to create this painting.
"Anastasia has painted for me twice. Both times I have been so touched by how accurately she has felt their being and her ability to translate it into the most beautiful paintings. I would always recommend Anastasia if you want a very special painting which truly can be felt."
A4 watercolor painting

Line, Picasso & Ausa
Line had certain photos she wanted to be in the painting, but other than that, me and her two beautiful horses had free play.
A beautiful harmony, as Picasso looks out for Line and Ausa, who share a trusting moment. Surrounded by their favorite nature, the place they truly belong to.
40x60 cm oil painting
A beautiful harmony, as Picasso looks out for Line and Ausa, who share a trusting moment. Surrounded by their favorite nature, the place they truly belong to.
40x60 cm oil painting

Jimmy & Lawa
Julia wanted to surprise her fiancé, Jimmy, with a very special Christmas gift.
Him and their dog, Lawa, share a special bond, which Lawa really wanted to highlight in this painting.
"It's so easy to get lost in the distractions of everyday life. Remembering to pause and see the beauty and connection all around us, is what helps us be in light of who we truly are."
40x60 cm oil painting
Him and their dog, Lawa, share a special bond, which Lawa really wanted to highlight in this painting.
"It's so easy to get lost in the distractions of everyday life. Remembering to pause and see the beauty and connection all around us, is what helps us be in light of who we truly are."
40x60 cm oil painting

Sheik's painting
I got to communicate with Sheik after he had crossed over.
His biggest message was the importance of him getting seen for who he truly is. His physical body had many issues, which sometimes made him behave in ways humans didn't like.
He wanted to be remembered as a strong, free and healthy soul.
Here's what his human says:
"The painting makes me so happy, because it feels like I always have him near. It hangs on the wall in the bedroom, so I fall asleep and wake up with him, and I can see him from the living room.
It's wonderful to have Sheik's painting. Sheik and I had a very special bond, so therefore it felt very right that he got to choose the motive. It helps on the sorrow of losing him, it really helps me to remember him, since it looks so much like him. It should be written in big letters how much I recommend this."
80x100 cm oil painting
His biggest message was the importance of him getting seen for who he truly is. His physical body had many issues, which sometimes made him behave in ways humans didn't like.
He wanted to be remembered as a strong, free and healthy soul.
Here's what his human says:
"The painting makes me so happy, because it feels like I always have him near. It hangs on the wall in the bedroom, so I fall asleep and wake up with him, and I can see him from the living room.
It's wonderful to have Sheik's painting. Sheik and I had a very special bond, so therefore it felt very right that he got to choose the motive. It helps on the sorrow of losing him, it really helps me to remember him, since it looks so much like him. It should be written in big letters how much I recommend this."
80x100 cm oil painting

Aino & Björk
“Something very special happened when I first contacted Anastasia and the whole process I can best describe as magical. I had just lost my beloved dog, Björk, very suddenly. As an animal communicator, I tried to contact Björk immediately, but all I got into was that I had to order a painting from Anastasia.
Anastasia made a telepathy with Björk and I sat with tears runing down my cheeks... The words and the image Björk wanted Anastasia to make hit spot with Björk, my life and the relationship we had together. I was lucky enough to receive photos of the process and every time I got an update, Björk was there. I felt her as clearly as if she were present and I notice her every day as I look at the finished painting. The painting has become a portal for us where we can meet in a way and I can remember all the important things she has taught me.
No doubt I would recommend Anastasia - you get so much more with it than a beautiful, well made, professional painting. You get an opening into what matters most to you, because Anastasia somehow manages to see it. They say that painting is seeing - so does Anastasia and she sees so much more than what the eye can see!”
A2 watercolor painting
Anastasia made a telepathy with Björk and I sat with tears runing down my cheeks... The words and the image Björk wanted Anastasia to make hit spot with Björk, my life and the relationship we had together. I was lucky enough to receive photos of the process and every time I got an update, Björk was there. I felt her as clearly as if she were present and I notice her every day as I look at the finished painting. The painting has become a portal for us where we can meet in a way and I can remember all the important things she has taught me.
No doubt I would recommend Anastasia - you get so much more with it than a beautiful, well made, professional painting. You get an opening into what matters most to you, because Anastasia somehow manages to see it. They say that painting is seeing - so does Anastasia and she sees so much more than what the eye can see!”
A2 watercolor painting

Cecilie & Generalen
"Anastasia is a very talented and sympathetic person who treats one with the greatest respect.
She has painted the most beautiful painting and written the finest text after her telepathy with my pony, just before he embarked on his last journey to the eternal grasslands. I use the painting and the text every day to remember my beloved soul friend. That's why Anastasia gets my warmest recommendations ❤️"
60x80 cm oil painting
She has painted the most beautiful painting and written the finest text after her telepathy with my pony, just before he embarked on his last journey to the eternal grasslands. I use the painting and the text every day to remember my beloved soul friend. That's why Anastasia gets my warmest recommendations ❤️"
60x80 cm oil painting

Rolf & Woody
Here comes the story behind the creation of Rolf and Woodys painting, told by their very own human:
"Back in the summer of 2018, I made one of the toughest decisions of my life. I had decided to move to Copenhagen to study at the university, which meant I had to leave my two horses behind on the island of Bornholm.
Early 2019 I stumbled across Anastasias Facebook page, where she created the most spellbinding paintings of horses and other animals.
I decided that I wanted a watercolour of my two horses, to honour them and feel closer to them.
To this day, I am still blown away by the details of the painting. Even though this watercolour is not created with telepathy, I can feel the souls of my two beautiful boys when I look at them. It is clear that Anastasia is an artist at heart.
Having this painting in my home have helped ease the pain of missing them. I can’t help but smile when I look at their faces, and the liveliness takes me back to the warm summer day when I took the original photograph. It is truly magical."
A2 watercolor painting
"Back in the summer of 2018, I made one of the toughest decisions of my life. I had decided to move to Copenhagen to study at the university, which meant I had to leave my two horses behind on the island of Bornholm.
Early 2019 I stumbled across Anastasias Facebook page, where she created the most spellbinding paintings of horses and other animals.
I decided that I wanted a watercolour of my two horses, to honour them and feel closer to them.
To this day, I am still blown away by the details of the painting. Even though this watercolour is not created with telepathy, I can feel the souls of my two beautiful boys when I look at them. It is clear that Anastasia is an artist at heart.
Having this painting in my home have helped ease the pain of missing them. I can’t help but smile when I look at their faces, and the liveliness takes me back to the warm summer day when I took the original photograph. It is truly magical."
A2 watercolor painting

Hanna & Guldis
"I can not carry it for you, but I can carry you"
The above words, a quote from The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien, are the first to meet me when I see the painting that @anastasiaelkjaer has created.
The painting shows Guldis and me, and Anastasia has created it based on a telepathic conversation with Guldis.
"My purpose is to support Hanna on her journey," Guldis tells Anastasia.
She wants me to take off my armor, let go of the defense, and allow myself to rest - in the uncertainty, in myself, in the relationship that Guldis and I share.
Guldis communicates that her greatest wish is for us to experience freedom and connection together. It's not so important to Guldis exactly what that freedom looks like - for her it's more about a feeling. The most important thing is that we should feel connected in everything we do.
Guldis says that the gift she and I can give to the world is about creating balance. To curiously examine the world and how everything is connected. Making abstract ideas tangible.
"Surrender to the chaos, let go of control. Finding strength in our weakness. This is a painting that will give you strength on the hard days, while you unfold your life’s mission.”
That is the message of the painting. And according to Anastasia, Guldis wants to be there for me, to protect me and support me, so that I can follow the call of my heart, my mission in this world. Her wish is for the painting to give me strength and remind me that I am not alone.
It's so incredibly beautiful - both the conversation with Guldis, and the painting itself. Feeling deeply touched and grateful 💛
And whether you believe in animal communication or not, I really recommend @animal_telepathy_art - Anastasia has a fantastic gift and ability to translate energy into beautiful images. And the process itself, to produce the painting, is magical in itself ✨"
Digital painting
The above words, a quote from The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien, are the first to meet me when I see the painting that @anastasiaelkjaer has created.
The painting shows Guldis and me, and Anastasia has created it based on a telepathic conversation with Guldis.
"My purpose is to support Hanna on her journey," Guldis tells Anastasia.
She wants me to take off my armor, let go of the defense, and allow myself to rest - in the uncertainty, in myself, in the relationship that Guldis and I share.
Guldis communicates that her greatest wish is for us to experience freedom and connection together. It's not so important to Guldis exactly what that freedom looks like - for her it's more about a feeling. The most important thing is that we should feel connected in everything we do.
Guldis says that the gift she and I can give to the world is about creating balance. To curiously examine the world and how everything is connected. Making abstract ideas tangible.
"Surrender to the chaos, let go of control. Finding strength in our weakness. This is a painting that will give you strength on the hard days, while you unfold your life’s mission.”
That is the message of the painting. And according to Anastasia, Guldis wants to be there for me, to protect me and support me, so that I can follow the call of my heart, my mission in this world. Her wish is for the painting to give me strength and remind me that I am not alone.
It's so incredibly beautiful - both the conversation with Guldis, and the painting itself. Feeling deeply touched and grateful 💛
And whether you believe in animal communication or not, I really recommend @animal_telepathy_art - Anastasia has a fantastic gift and ability to translate energy into beautiful images. And the process itself, to produce the painting, is magical in itself ✨"
Digital painting

Woody the Wise One
Woody is a very intuitive soul. He passed away and his human wanted a painting to hang next to his brother (Rolf, who I have also painted).
Woody really wanted the painting to look like a portal - like you can step in and meet him there. Both his own and his humans star signs are included as well.
60x80 cm oil painting
Woody really wanted the painting to look like a portal - like you can step in and meet him there. Both his own and his humans star signs are included as well.
60x80 cm oil painting

Sigi & Hanse
Hanse and Sigi shared 18,5 years together, before Hanse had to cross over.
He wanted to highlight their connection. Give Sigi support in her grief. He made it clear how he was and is her light in the dark. And reminded her that new seeds are always growing.
40x60 cm oil painting
He wanted to highlight their connection. Give Sigi support in her grief. He made it clear how he was and is her light in the dark. And reminded her that new seeds are always growing.
40x60 cm oil painting

Let's bring your vision to life...
... and capture your animal's soul on canvas, so you can feel the connection you share every time you look at your one-of-a-kind piece of art.
"I got so much more than "just" an extremely beautiful painting. It has been healing for me. And I can never, ever thank Anastasia enough for that.
I can warmly recommend her work and skills, if you, like me, feel you need "more" than just a photo as a memory."
I offer a limited amount of commissions every year.
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